My Account

There are currently no properties available for judging.

Please note your selected judging dates on this page. If you would like to get a head start, you can begin judging immediately. Otherwise, we will send you a reminder before your official date begins.

BEGIN JUDGING THE {{ prop.EntryPropertyName }}


Please Review: The Information on this page will translate to the public IADAS website for your profile, so please do a quick check and make sure all details are current.

Password must contain one special character and be at least 6 characters.

At the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences, diversity is important to us. We are working to achieve gender parity, and increase the diversity of our Academy to better reflect the communities we represent. Collecting the following data on our judges supports these efforts.

At AIVA, diversity is important to us. We are working to achieve gender parity, and increase the diversity of our Academy to better reflect the communities we represent. Collecting the following data on our judges supports these efforts.

At least one language must be chosen

Do you own a mobile device?
Do you own a VR device?

At least one device must be chosen.

At least one device must be chosen.

File types allowed: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif
Maximum file size: 5M
Image Ratio: 1:1
Recommended Image Size: 1080px X 1080px
File types allowed: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif
Maximum file size: 100 KB
Image Ratio: 1:1
Recommended Image Size: 400px X 400px

Your expertise - {{ prop.EntryPropertyName }}

Please select your areas of expertise (select at least one).

Preferred Judging Dates

Please select the dates which best fit your schedule to take part in judging.

Your Judging Dates

{{ props.EntryPropertyName }}

Your judging dates:

{{ props.Group.StartDate | date: 'MMMM d, y' }} - {{ props.Group.EndDate | date: 'MMMM d, y' }}
  • {{ clusters.Name }}
  • {{ cats }}

Have any questions or need assistance? Contact {{ propertyDetails.ContactName }}, {{ propertyDetails.ContactTitle }} {{propertyDetails.ContactEmail}}